Archive | May, 2010

Another Productive Day

27 May

Due to today was the take down of the show i didn’t need to do anything to mine becasue they are on about leaving my wall design up permanently yay =) so i got to spend the day with Kieran and went to go watch Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.I really enjoyed the film and Jake Gyllenhaal was looking very nice hehehe.For anyone who doesn’t know what the film is about watch this trailor I also bought myself a few things

Two Cupcake Cake Tins for £1.99

Cupcake Tray for 99p

And these for under £2.00

To end the day we played Nightmare Beofre Christmas monopoly that i had bought him for christmas 2009.This was the first successful game and i won! (not very often i do) and Kieran was very upset and wouldn’t admit to his loss (bless him)

I have my own Studio

27 May

I’m very excited that it’s all the painting is now finished.Not the biggest of spaces but its way better than having the desk in the corner of my room at the bottom of my bed.It is looking very bare at the moment but it is not something that will happen over night,it will take time to get it very me.Here are a few pictures of it so far.

My work area

Craft stash (still more to add from other room)

Magazines all nice and neat

Glitter box!!!!

I will keep you up dated with any more improvements to the room =)

booked in to see Bob and Roberta Smith at 11.00am on Friday 28th May 2010

27 May

For anyone who has not seen any of Bob & Roberta Smith’s work then check out the following

What i found

23 May

Today me and my dad painted the spare bedroom becasue i can use it for when i’m crafting or doing my art work so really it’s kind of my studio with i’m excited over =) I had to sort out a few things and i found these in a box.I got them some time last month but i never blogged about them.My nan and grandad bought me these when i went with the to hollybush garden centre one weekend.The 2nd cupcake i bought myself.Anyways i hope you enjoy =)

End Of Year Summer Show =)

20 May

Here are a few images of my work in the end of  year show.

Sneak Preview Of My Work

17 May

I will Up load more photos of my work later in the week =)

End Of Year Summer Show 2010

14 May

The Book Has Came…….About Time

12 May

I ordered this book 22nd April and was estimated that I would get it about 29th April.I left it until 11th may and then I contacted explaining this and they found out that it had got damaged during transit.While I was annoyed that no one got in touch about this to me in the first place but amazon were really nice and sent me another copy with first class delivery for free for the issue.and I got it today!I am now very happy and to me it’s a happy book,plus it will help with an essay i am working on at the moment.

End Of Year Summer Show Timescale

7 May

To do this project I have a 6 day deadline to complete it in.For those 6 days I will be in charge of everything that happens and if it is not completed by Monday 17th May then I hae failed in organising and taking on board such a huge project and the responsibilities that come with it.I will be having a helping hand off  3 other students from a painting and decorating course at another campus (Green Lane) for 2 days only so we will be trying to get as much done as possible when there are 4 of us working on the wall (myself included).


Mondays 10th May

* Meet team of painters from Green Lane and collect materials needed

* Finish mapping out pattern onto wall with charcoal

* Start painting

Tuesday 11th May

* Meet team up in studio

* Continue painting

Wednesday 12th May

* Continue painting

Thursday 13th May

 * Continue painting

Friday 14th May

* Continue painting

Monday 17th May (Last day of completion)

* Final touches


I Propose

5 May

Once again this time of year has swung around to quick and now it’s time for the summer show. This is my thrid summer show I’ve had at college and far way more challenging than the others.   First year was a selection of first year work (mainly print making and fine art) and all arranged on the board.Due to this being my first year the show was more for second years so I was only allocated one but never the less I was happy to be showing work my work in a show for the first time ever.    Second year I made a installation of an obsession with colour paint charts you get from Decoration stores such as B&Q and Homebase.I had a total of four boards to fill with paint charts,a canvas,shapes and patterns.It took a lot of will power and determination to complete it and I was pleased with the end result.   This year I was thinking what can I do to be better than my previous work.There was a pattern that I had been working with and I went back to explore more.I thought about painting this pattern all over boards or a instilation.But me being me I had chosen something far more broarder.I Will now being painting my pattern outside on a room terrace wall that is situated on the 3rd floor of the college.    I wont be doing this alone due to time so I will be recruiting student from the Painting and Decorating departments for assistance.I am in need of 10 people to be split into teams of 3.2 teams of 3 and 1 team of 4.The 2 teams of 3’s will be painting and the team of 4 will be mapping out the pattern along with me.I will be charge of this project,I’m a little nervous to present my idea to the other department due to the fact I have never done anything like this before but if all goes well at the end it will be worth it.    

My Proposal that had to be sent out to get the go ahead with this project. 

  “I am interested in repeated linear pattern, striations and contours. My proposal is to create a pattern that is similar to cartographic contour lines and apply it to the Terrace wall (access via the 3rd floor, A-Block).
I have been examining a number of ways to achieve this but I feel the best option will be to paint it directly onto the wall using weatherproof black masonry paint (I will also need help with sourcing and costing the paint), I feel that I may need assistance with this and I will be investigating how to best get this in place in negotiation with my tutors. The wall is already white and I feel that using black will stand out much better.
I am prepared to re-paint the terrace white again after the exhibition. I am hoping that I can obtain assistance from other courses such as Painting and Decorating at Green Lane to help with materials and the painting.
I would like to commence my project as soon as possible so I have plenty of lead time in order to meet the exhibition deadline (Tuesday 18th May – Private View)”